Sunday, March 3, 2013

Vacation Without a Destination

Today is a beautiful lazy Sunday. All of the overcast yesterday led to the inevitable down pour around 5 or so this morning, only to be followed by the amazingly warm, and sunny Sunday afternoon.  Lately I'v been missing childhood a lot and feeling a bit nostalgic.  I miss all of the rainy summer days spent hiding under the arching bamboo stocks that had taken over the side yard of our country home.  I have also been thinking a lot about get away's we went on with our papa.  He would load my brother and I into the car, and then we would just drive. 

I'm thankful for these vacations without destinations.  For many families all of the time you would have spent bonding was lost in the anticipation of reaching the nice hotel room, or theme park.  These vacations spent with out dad were just better, more meaningful.  We would look at maps and pick places to stop.  Most of the time we would just see something interesting out of the car window and want to get out.  I think the fact my brother and I were only about 8 and 9 at the time made it even more exciting.  We found average things extremely fascinating. Like a stone on the side of the road or a little trickle of water out of a rock wall.

After all of these years these vacations have been long retired but there are still remnant of childhood left behind in the same car we took the trips in.  You can find the same maps in a cubby behind the seat and a bag of rocks collected on the floor bored.  Even a soda stain left behind from kicking about trying to find a cozy spot. 

So I guess with all that's been said, it really is the journey not the destination. 

(This photo was taken over us about 4 years ago in the redwood national forest.) 

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